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sampi Mid je "Babah Subway ~" |
Turun kat Pekeliling I ask this girl who take the same bus from Kuantan with me which train should I take to go to Mid, al maklum rusa masuk kampung. Turun kat Masjid Jamek tanye guard plak, my problem is I dont know where should I heading to after I off the train and I forgot which station I was from. HAHA...Giler short term memory...Alhamdulillah I made it to Mid safely. At one of those station kan selisih ngan one of Oh my English actor tu, his line is "Can you chop my letter?", Korang mesti tau punye la..Tapi time tu tengah resah lagi gelisah coz xtau mane nak tuju kan..
Malam tu crash kat umah Mokde ku Chayunk lagi sekali. Sempat golek2 ngan Insyirah, kene sakat ngan Aim n Azif & jalan2 uptown ngan Babah, merasa la burger bakar..definitely not my cup of tea *senyum x ikhlas
Next day, we leave immediately after subuh x sempat jumpe Mokde dulu. Dah 3 kali pergi UTP nih wajib singgah Tapah beli Jambu, afterwards xde la dah.
Bye2 UTP |
jgn tegur hakikat yang saya makin tembam ^0^ |
tq MARA |
Ajin check out from UTP only bring him to 2 path UIA (Medic) and yang x berapa pasti akan dapat MARA (Business). Babah decide nak tunggu keputusan MARA dulu if x dpat baru die check in UIA. Alhamdulillah sgt berkat solat hajat and doa Ajin is following Babah's footsteps. Die akan wat persediaan kat Nilai setahun then fly. He's the only one la yg blaja abroad. Bersyukur sangat2. I will save money on wards so that I can go to US and see him in the future. Meaning nanti balik asrama untuk semester akan datang ni semua orang akan hantar balik cam biasa..suke3 :D
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