Never take things for granted.(pembuka kata paling x sesuai) I am so disappointed of myself because I dont take a good care of my sight. Allah bagi sepasang je tyra. precious pair of eye have a bad history at the beginning actually. Time standard 2 I've already got problem with my sight (short sidedness) That time the power is only 50 both side. I really hate the fact that I have to wear spectacles like my brother. He have a good reason for that (love to read in the dark). My sight problem started...I think...because..I like to wear my brother's spectacles..(booyaa)..serves me right~
Prasan x spec tu cam brownish..coz my rabun is more tu silau |
Ok I deserve it. Sape suh gatal2 nak main spek org kan..Konon nak nampak skema skali skala, asyik nampak cam gangster je (time tu la). But then I decided to eat veggies a lot especially carrots. I think it works. No headache or problems not seeing things clearly. I believe it works coz the power is so low,so I think it's curable. I dont wear my glasses for is r 6 years coz I thought the problem have already gone untill I was in form 3. I have to wear it again. but I juz needed when I cant read what teacher wrote at the whiteboard, and started not wearing it again.

Now in present. I have to wear it whenever I have to look at a screen. Last time I check, my spectacles power increasing. 100 n 75.. No wonder I suffer never ending headache. My habit lately watching movies in the dark which force my eyes to stay focus on screen in darkness. The one that I wear is not a new one, it just to make sure my eyes received juz appropriate amount of lights entered. From now on I'll eat carrots juz like I drink plain water.
macam sedih n terpksa paky spec 2.. tp, bla bergambar, maseh mampu tersenyum..! haha
macam sedih n terpksa paky spec 2.. tp, bla bergambar, maseh mampu tersenyum..! haha
convincing myself to adapt with the condition la pojan
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