Back to the story, we stayed at Tiya's house which is located at Pasir Mas. Rupa2 nye rumah Tiha dah byk kali dah kami lalu juz xtau je yg tu umah die. Tiha ade adorable little niece name die Alisya (xtau la btol ke x eja). Kakak Tiha la yang bwk kami berjalan2 dgn Myvi oren yg cute.
Lepas zohor on the day we arrived (less than 3 hours KT~KB), we went to Rantau Panjang. Keh beli tudung utk mama keh dan keh of course (keh=saya)
Plannye that nyte nak g somewhere else tp disebabkan kepenatan yg x boleh dibendung, kami tido sampai kul 9 kot... Cukoopp x manis,sgt segan dgn family Tiha. krooohhh....krooohhh
Next day, we went to KB Mall. That was my 1st time being there. X sangka byk sgt Kpop wannabe ek kat ctu, indeed these kind of species are everywhere tp kat ctu cam ramai sgt. Kejutan budaya sket kat ctu. Kakak Tiha treat us lunch on that day. During night, we went to Wakaf Che Yeh. Teringat last time shopping kat situ ngan mama. Mekda n I tgh mood nakal that nyte, we keep on playing 'game' that only we
Malam tu gerimis je, nasib baik x lebat hujan. Seronok jalan2 sampai pagi kot, can imagine how tired Kakak Tiha felt. Naxt day dah balik~
Balik nanak!!!!!

Pg tu melawat umah nenek sedara Tiha kat belakang rumah je. Jumpe anak sepupu Tiha, personally I think she is beautiful and look mature even she juz finished her SPM. My 1st impression,I thought she was married coz she's holding a baby.huhu
Our ticket was at 5 p.m. Do u thinking what i'm thinking? YES~ still got time to shopping *at least window shopping.
Jalan2 + snap photos and sempat lg grab a pair of wedges sebelom naik bas..hehe..
I love this journey so much, we never stop talk about it when we back in campus..huhu
Thank you sgt kat family Tiha yang sudi bwk kami jalan2, bg makan, sediakan tmpat tdo, rase cam family dah. Next trip tyra nak bwk korg jalan2 ke Kuantan plak..Jom start menabung for next trip...
wah..kite pon ade cite trip to Kelantan..keke..btw, lagu ni video die err....
untunglaaaa dpt kesana~
hoyeaah.. kelantan !
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