I am so excited to go abroad again. Although it just Indonesia but I never been there and very excited to explore something new there. Thanks to Pak Long because he is the one that offer us to join the trip.yeah my whole family except Along coz he got test or something more important. So it is kind a sad coz I'm gonna have fun without. Not totally fun actually without having him around but life must be go on. i don't know what to expect for this another whole trip. It will be totally different for sure that last time b'coz I am going with my parents which means I can ask money from them for shopping (evil laugh). I'm not that bad I am considerate I will not ask too much just a heels maybe, wedges, a few dresses. Nothing much. Isn't that a good news for u mama. He he.
Btw, my grandparents are coming too so my mum advice me to wear something that more appropriate (I never wear nothing if u know what I mean) LOL. Meaning something polite and except able in terms of my mum sight. My mum has her own guideline about how should I dressed which is usually I can negotiate about it because it is for my own good. Having such a curvy figure make me have some kind of difficulty to get dressed. The problem is I love fashion. Fashion is my middle name. Dont worry I will never argue about fashion with my parents coz talking about it will make me cranky plus disappointed.
It is good to have a vacation after a long time. I mean family vacation. My mum said it is a good trip coz my dad's parents also joining us.So that my dad will not get cranky easily. Hoorayy..I will try my really best to behave and always in good mood. As long as no one turn my nerves on~
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