I am bless with a good armour
of antibody, however as I grow older, I tend to get sick easily. I remember
during pre-school to high school, I’m barely sick ( perhaps because eating raw carrots as a habit helps). Whenever I heard my friends absenteeism,
I said to myself that I wish I can call in sick because the idea of being home
while everyone was at school is intriguing. It’s a stupid thing to asked but I’m
just a kid back then. There was a time I was hospitalised but it was because I
ate durian excessively and ate the rotten one. Being hospitalised because of
eating too much is not flattering but I think that fact makes me a little bit
funny? From
that day I discover that sickness will never affect my appetite.
Here is a list of all illness (didnt mention the common one) that I have been diagnose through my life. No worries, none of them is self-diagnosis.
- Once ago, when I was in early years of high school, I was diagnose with Resdung but the symptoms was vary. I manage to keep it low with help of homeopathy and meds. Ku sangkakan panas hingga ke petang namun hujan di tengahari. These days there are times I’ll encounter allergy that I still wonder what’s trigger it to occur. The major suspect is Ash’s fur. I still in deniable state coz my cat is innocent. He’s been with us for ages and I am fine back then. This thing happened recently. If its’ because of him, why now? That’s my defence. Still need to depends on nasal spray and Loratadine when the allergy occur. My nose will be runny like a waterfall and ill be sneezing a lot. I stop taking Ash to bed unless I was scared or cant sleep as a precaution (in denial yet still taking precaution )

- When I was in SMK Agama Pahang for 4 months, migraine is killing me. The worst event was when I was waiting for my dad to pick me up for a holiday. My head was aching particularly at my right side of eyes. Tears keep on falling like a waterfall and my right eye was red. The pain last for hours and only sleep can stop it. Good news is I rarely have them nowadays and I only take painkiller when it happened. My work required me to stare on computer screen a lot somehow it contributes to mild migraine attack but it’s not as bad as before.
- I was diagnose for having gastric when I was in boarding school too together with migraine and sinusitis. You can say that boarding school is a real reason behind all the above sickness. LOL. I was told that I get this because I did not eat according to the schedule. I also normally let myself starved. Maybe because my body is still in adjusting phase in a new environment that time. The latest one I suffered for gastric pain is when I was stay in Bukit Jalil for a month. It’s like a reminder how much I’m not gonna let my stomach as empty as that anymore. That’s the reason I gain weight today TEEHEE. I love to eat but there are days I am too lazy to eat. Do you get me?

- Anyone who close to me knows I’m always with my hanky (handkerchief) because I have sweaty palms. Annoyingly sweaty palms. Nobody likes to hold my hands and I also try to avoid it except with Mama. My mom told me she also suffered this disease before she had a baby. So based on my understanding, this will be gone when I had a baby. It is messy especially during exam/ writing essays. My handwriting become hideous and barely readable. Hanky was helping but I keep on losing them. It is more annoying when your feet also sweaty too so you cant wear heels much or your feet will slide down the shoe frequently. That’s why I prefer covered shoes for heels/wedges. It safe in sense of not sliding but its gonna be humid in the shoe. Extra care need to be done to make sure I don’t have a smelly foot. I think I did wrote about this long time ago. I read somewhere this can be stopped by undergo some sort of minor surgery where they they cut our sweaty glands or something. Somehow the idea of not gonna sweat is horrorfying. Or it just reduce the sweatiness?🤔🤔
- The climax of this disease when our family stay in UK for a year. I barely remember how I handle it but I do remember there was once Mama tied my hands with masking tape to make me stop scratching my body but it just make the scratching even better. I was six at that time and I have these red rashes on my neck hands and legs. I was told that UK weather helps to make sure I didn’t sweat much. Sweats makes the bacteria spread even more. I remember when my mum took me for a bath I closed my eyes coz I cant even look at my skin. It was red and bumpy. Alhamdulillah I no longer have eczema and left with barely seen scars. It does have side effect tho. I only can wear accessories that made of gold and silver. When I reached my 20’s my skin started to tolerate stainless steel. I cant even wear watch back then, I mean normal watch wear there’s gonna be a part of the watch that made of stainless steel in contact with your skin. Only specific design of watch I can wear and it’s not cheap. Even brooches under my chin make my skin itch reseulting redness when I scratch it. *not sharing the picture