Pop quiz!! List out words which have 'poly' in it~
- roly-poly (by T-ara)
- Barbie poly (time kecik2
berangan nak satu)
- polyvyl.....(something
related to chemistry)
- ringtone polyphonic
Ok ran
out of ideas :)
minum susu jap penat fikir |
21 year
old me will write about politics. Yup (isu sensitive tahap mohsyar) Since I am
turning 21 officially this 6th of April (valid to vote already), I
have to start collecting knowledge about what’s going on in politic world
nowadays so that I can decide which one should I stamp my thumb on (dulu pangkah
je,undi hantu punye pasal dah tukar method kan). All this while I’ve been
avoiding to know, listen or read anything related to the reality of who deserve
to rule this country, my beloved Malaysia. Not actually deserve, but can run
this country better, make Malaysia a better place.
The blank
a.k.a stupid me have asked my dad stupid question which most likely sound like
this “Negara kita ni demokrasi eh Bah?”, dapat la sejibik kepada diriku yang
ignorance n pass je subjek sejarah time skola dulu, “Tu la remaja sekarang
sampai hal basic psal Negara sendiri pon tak ambk tahu,” actually I know raja
berpelembagaan but then it was mid term break, the part my brain yang store all
the knowledge tengah reboot (alasan tak munasabah). Ambik nak free lecture
dari lecturer FSKKP from UMP. Babah is so right, undeniably belia these days
focus more on entertainment rather than general knowledge. Terus online bace
sikit2 tentang what happen in Malaysia, insaf kejap je la then sambung cuci
mate online window shopping =)
Terima la pose serba dewasa dari ku
ps:warna baju ku x semestinya mewakili ape yang bakal ku tinggalkan cap jari harap maklum |
What my
father told me and I want to share to all readers (yang sudi membaca warkah
bahasa rojak ku ini), before you decide to vote to any party, you better have
background knowledge about both party. It is important for you to read or get
information from various sources not juz on one particular media only. We have
internet, news on variety of channels and newspaper. Even I am more to auditory
learner; I am forcing myself to read more about world nowadays. Somehow I have
to admit to myself I am an adult and must have a whole new wider perspective
about what happen around me. There are so much important things to acknowledge
rather than which kpop idol coming to Malaysia.
it’s like a wake up call for me to be more resourceful. I don’t want to be the
type of girl who worries and obsessed towards who my boyfriend flirting with
and who he approved on social network coz gua tau sangat tak tenteram perasaan
macam tu (if I have a husband definitely will do that muahaha *gelak jahat).
There’s so much more important thing to think about. Live for my future
starting now, admitting I am a lady know. That’s all for poly-poly~
sebarang statement tidak dituju kepada sapa2, kalau terasa saya mintak maaf *toing
kene kat dahi sendiri sebenarnye