I feel like sharing something about myself which relates to my behavior..(toink toink) When I was small, I was very bossy...Everyone have to listen to me~ That kind of attitude makes me very similar with Marie's attitude (because i'm a lady that'ts y) Dari kecik duk rewind cite The Aristocats, tu yg jadi cam tu.. COincidently there were 3 kittens characters in that cartoon 2 male kitten n a female kitten, that time there were only 3 of us (Along,me n Jiji)...That's how I was at home that time..
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Me today~ Totally opposite with me in the past..U can judge me after u meet me or know me.. Based on what my friends said about me.. I am...soft(har har)....can't say 'NO'...manje(tua bangke x sedar)~ GEGURL SGT!!!...somehow being me (manje kind of attitude) people misjudge me as GEDIX...seriously it hurts to heard that..being outspoken makes people said I am show off....That's why I started to be a little bit low profile which that's how it should be la kan...
BUT...there always a but...I express myself differently..which is through vlogs n blogs...another thing is..my appearance..about my appearance la kan...I am so dang enthusiast in fashion..(istighfar..sederhana dlm semua hal tyra)...that's why I dont mind to try something new..as long as still according to syarak ( i try my best to follow)...to those yg duk kritik je keje how i dressed....MYOB (mind your own bussiness)... people who love to criticic ni kan...xtau la nak ckp camne...udoh2 le ngate orgnyer...samada die sedar atau x...die telah mengecilkan hati org lain...n lg satu...die telah me'remark' dirinyer as shallow thinker...so muhasabah diri yer...(jgn sampai i wat vlog psal ni lol)
Blog post kali ni gle kentang cam jaja sikap sndiri kt org kan..basicly..people do change..Boleh je berubah dr yg kurg baik ke lebih baik..kan2..