Uni...College...IPTA ....IPTS...tak kisah la which one that I will enter to...although I dont have any confirmation yet whether layak ke tak....but the main point is..i really hope I will start this whole journey somewhere new...i mean new place..new environment and new people..if I can choose with whom I want to get a long with..I choose strangers....coz for me I dont want anyone from my high school life to be with me...dont get it wrong...it just...
How to say this...I need to explore the outside world by meeting new people..mix around with many different people....I love my bff..but I am so happy if three of us continue our journey by breaking our comfort zone...I think people will agree with my statement..if we get along with the same people for ages..I talk about friend not lovers or family...we might know more about his/her dark side and might get sick of it.not 'might'..... really sick of it...this might sound a little bit selfish but this is what I feel..I know I dont have the best attitude but I can adapt with something new.
Sometimes meeting all sorts of people..facing different kind of attitudes to be exact..will make us think and analyze about behaviour..plus make us grown up and more mature in making decisions...moreover, I am enthusiast to be a teacher which gonna make me play with teenagers psychology....so I like to be in a new environment + people (1st minded people if there any)..mostly Malaysian people is 3rd minded people..including me...maybe...but I am learning to be 1st minded person..so fellow friend dont get me wrong..I love u guys but... let me be on my own...please continue whatever u doing now...u guys should break ur comfort zone...I know most of my friend feel very happy if they got to continue their study with sum1 they know or close to from high school...but I'm not one of that kind of person...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Mother's Day~
Penat x ilang lg padahal dah tido 2 malam , maybe coz x biase travel dalam bus lame2. MOTHER'S DAY kali ni rase special sangat coz dapat spend time ngan mama , juz two of us..Actually kebetulan je rombongan sekolah mama jatuh pada tarikh yg same. Btw excited la kan dapat jejalan ngan mama je mcm girl nyte out plak.Semua anak2 laki ngan babah tinggal, diorg x kisah pon siap plan nak order piza lg.
Pukul 11 bergerak.Dalam bus sejuk sgt2..Kite x duduk sebelah mama coz nanti mama kan nak tdo lgpon banyak lagi kerusi kosong, jadi kite duk la btol2 behind seat mama n duk sebelah Zia ex- student mama who is same age with me.Die pon x dapat tawaran g mane2 lagi.Die baru berhenti keje kat taska Raimi dulu.Sampai Kelantan dalam area kul 5.45 nak subuh la.Kitorang sewa bilik hotel yang terletak btol2 tengah2 bandar.5 orang satu bilik.
Pagi tu breakfast Nasi Kerabu.Nikmatnyer makan nasi after almost 2 years. Saje je break the rules sebab bukan everyday dapat makan Nasi Kerabu Kelantan kan..Sah2 kene puasa beria balik umah nanti.Tapi Nasi Kerabu diorang kaler putih la. Sakit tekak baru je nak baik hentam plak Apple juice , sakit balik tekak. Sehari suntuk shopping. Rase penat sangat coz cuaca panas n kering.Teman mama shopping memang x ingat dunia.Mama nak sangat tea set Vantage, sanggup jalan jauh tau.Kite layan je mama nak ape n x kisah pon angkat barang sampai nak putus jari..Seriously mmg macam nak putus jari ni.Yang x leh bla nye, time nak naik bas ade kawan mama snap gambar kitorang coz kitorang bwak barang byk sgt mcm semua benda habis kitorang beli..buat malu je tau..tp x kisah la kan
Lunch kat tempat makan yang agak ..famous la kat situ..makan budu n sambal belacan, sampai menangis tau makan..ye la makan nasi kurang, hentam sambal belacan , budu n ulam.. Athirah x pnah ingat name tempat sebab tu la x mention ape2 name..haha..Dah siap makan tu bukannyer reti nak rehat jap kat bilik..sambung jalan kat pasar siti khadijah lak.Bahang sangat kat situ.Mama n Untie Azwa still semangat nak cari kain pasang .Kite n Zia ni layan je la ibu kami ni..Tapi bile dah sampai limit, masing2 ingat kan ibu masing2 huhu..
Dah balik bilik siap mandi n jamak solat ape yang ptot, ade orang hantar Nasi kukus lak kat bilik kitorang.X la lapar sangat ,so share je nasi tu ngan mama.Disebabkan jari luka coz makan ketam semalam terpaksa la mama suap..Agak teruk jgak la..ye la makan ketam x ingat dunia.Malam tu singgah Wakaf Che Yeh..wah tira ingat nama tempat..bukan senang..lol Diberi masa dari kul 8 malam sampai 12..Tp mama x larat nak jalan , kul 10 dah naik bas . Perjalanan balik sunyi je coz semua org penat, tp kite x le tdo jd dengar org berdengkur je. Sampai rumah klu 11 lebih.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pink is the colour of my blood~IDTS
fOR ALL the blogger..sorry coz kowg trpaksa melihat pink colour yg agak over rated..plus Marie Aristocats yg kurg famous but no 1 in my heart..Menggilai +addicted ngan pink n marie ni is not a new facts 4 sum1 who already know me..but for sure bukan sebarang pink k..not trashy pink stuff...coz nanti nampak childish sgt..as a matter of facts collecting these pink n marie stuff fill up my emptiness n loneliness..it makes me be a positive person..I cannot live with the facts that I have to leave some of those stuff if I've got accepted to any uni....I hope enthusiast bout those thing not gonna make me a self centered person..
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