I woke up at eight, it's already look like 11 a.m 4 me...I have a good sleep on my 1st nyte here..Maybe because of jet lack. Last night we had pumpkin and potatoes with rice. I don't finish my my rice because it was a big amount of it . In the morning we went to the beach having a BBQ . There's Mom (ROSEMARY), Carl, Michael, Irfan, me and Sean. We had meat patty..sounds like krabby patty...but it's not k. Seriously delightful!!! It's halal k...Rosemary really concern what kind of food we had especially us (Irfan & I). Mom's lettuce keep flew away...
We had a dinner at a place called Lighthouse at a place called Marina. It's like a place where all the boats are there. The scenery is awesome...speechless...Mum said there a crocodile in the water so people just go fishing there..not swimming. We had fish & chips at the Lighthouse. The french fries is huge in size. Sam also join us. She is Michael's girlfriend. She is seventeen too and have a same height with me but seem taller because she's wearing high heels. She is blond and have short hair, plus she wearing braces, very cute girl...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
what a day....
what a day...pnat mmmg pnat..tp so far best laa.cuma yg x best nyer...coz tgk kwn baek sndiri smoke dpan mate....sedey +ralat+benci smokers.tp nak wat cm ne.... tgk new moon tp x puas aty n ending die....
brg2 dah paking dah....luggage cam nak meletup jew....tp ok kot....berat aty lak nak tggalkan mama....i should feel excited larh....huh...xle bwk laptop larh...nanti kne tahan kat kastam...bla...bla....
td jumpe akmal n the gang kat mega....diowg pon tgk cinema rupenyer....simple day but enjoyable..
Thursday, December 3, 2009
living 4 ausie in 8 days
lame gle x jenguk blog nie...bersawang dah...hehe
pejam celik pejam celik...spm dah nak abis dah tinggal satu subjek je lg.. walau pon banyak dugaan..alhamdulillah i can hadle it wisely(yer kew??)
yesterday ajin ah depart ke jepon... happy laa die...dye..bpak sweetnyer adek gue tuh...be4 depart call dulu kakak dye ni nak ckap gudbye n i love u..hihi...mane xnyer 23rd januari next year bru jumpe blik..... klu panjang umor....already miss him....

berat lak hati nak tinggalkan Malaysia ni...ye r engat nak wat xtiviti gle2 ngan kawan2...ada gap 4 ari je be4 fly ke ausie...hmm...sempat 4 new moon hehe...
ntah cukup ke x duit tira nak g sane nie...maklum r shopaholic...xpe r kat sane bru la leh independant..pandai2 nak uruskan diri sendiri...the one that i will really2 miss of coursela my mom...sian die dok dapur sowang2...dah la sorg je anak pompuan...tp nak wat cmne 1 day i have to left her..
from now on i want to think about my future...and stay focus....i want to make my parents proud...thats my no. 1 goal...
love life???left behind dulu la kowt...coz my broken heart still bleeding r...i am trying very hard to act wisely n rasionally...but still pain inside...padan muka tira..love some1 that love u not some1 u love...remember that tira....dont make the same mistake again....
k r xde idea dah nak tulis pe...coz bakat utama bercakap bkan menulis...
pejam celik pejam celik...spm dah nak abis dah tinggal satu subjek je lg.. walau pon banyak dugaan..alhamdulillah i can hadle it wisely(yer kew??)
yesterday ajin ah depart ke jepon... happy laa die...dye..bpak sweetnyer adek gue tuh...be4 depart call dulu kakak dye ni nak ckap gudbye n i love u..hihi...mane xnyer 23rd januari next year bru jumpe blik..... klu panjang umor....already miss him....
berat lak hati nak tinggalkan Malaysia ni...ye r engat nak wat xtiviti gle2 ngan kawan2...ada gap 4 ari je be4 fly ke ausie...hmm...sempat 4 new moon hehe...
ntah cukup ke x duit tira nak g sane nie...maklum r shopaholic...xpe r kat sane bru la leh independant..pandai2 nak uruskan diri sendiri...the one that i will really2 miss of coursela my mom...sian die dok dapur sowang2...dah la sorg je anak pompuan...tp nak wat cmne 1 day i have to left her..
from now on i want to think about my future...and stay focus....i want to make my parents proud...thats my no. 1 goal...
love life???left behind dulu la kowt...coz my broken heart still bleeding r...i am trying very hard to act wisely n rasionally...but still pain inside...padan muka tira..love some1 that love u not some1 u love...remember that tira....dont make the same mistake again....
k r xde idea dah nak tulis pe...coz bakat utama bercakap bkan menulis...
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After one, another good new coming to my family. ALHAMDULILLAH~ SPM result just came out. Not really just,its already quite a while ago. Aj...
I have this crazy idea that I have kept in mind for quite sometimes (actually i have shared with my roommate). I'm thinking to write a l...
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