korg2 semua rakyat Malaysia...jgan la buang sampah merata-rata eh....xyah la jd third class mindednyer person..malu r name je islam tp x jaga kebersihan kan...tgok taman perumahan bukit rangin pon cukup la...name je tanah rizab melayu tp sampah merata2....ape salahnyer buang kat tong sampah umah sendiri kan....aku ni mmg agak mementingkan kebersihan alam sekitar...tp aku ckp ni bukan utuk korg je tp utk egtkan diri aku gak....enviromental awareness is important for us....coz number of forest become less each day...aku pon dah menyumbang ke arah polution gak...air-cond berlambak kat umah...CFC tuh....tp why not saling ingat mengingati kan...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
susah aty...tp malas...
camne nie...+mate x pnah pass lg...erm...chemistry bru dua tiga kali lulus.... fizik..lg laa atas pagar slalunyer...SPM.... dah dekat nak mampus....my own future is in my own hand...tp... malasnyer....this is not me...slalunyer time exam bsar i'm the 1 on earth yg paling risau n menggelabah...tp sijil paling penting kali nie....cam x risau jer...mane la cm tu...menempah maut utk mase depan je...ATHIRAH!!!!!wake up !!!! dah la trial less than a month jer lg....OMG..there must be sumthing wrong with me....nak kate salah pilih kawan...kawan sendiri pon dah x online sekerap aku...nak kate mabuk bercinta???...pakwe pon aku xda...nak kate mencari cinta??? aku bahagia je hidup single...ntah ape yg x kene ngan aku pon aku xtau....
Monday, August 10, 2009
All bout me...

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After one, another good new coming to my family. ALHAMDULILLAH~ SPM result just came out. Not really just,its already quite a while ago. Aj...
I have this crazy idea that I have kept in mind for quite sometimes (actually i have shared with my roommate). I'm thinking to write a l...
I think at some point of your life, there were a moment/phase that you feel down and useless. It can be caused by many reason that you can...